„My job and the jobs of the people I am working with did not exist – we did not even have words for them“ - Azeem Azhar
During his speech at this year’s IdeaLab! Azeem Azhar (Vice President of Schibsted Media & Chief of The Exponential View) gave exclusive insights on his thought on the rise of technology and in particular the upcoming role of Artificial Intelligence in our digitalized world.
„We live in an age of technology but “something has changed in the last couple of years - and that is Artificial Intelligence”.
With these words Azeem Azhar introduced his speech and explained his vision of machines that will not only be able to fix themselves, but to think like human beings and even reach a stage of super artificial intelligence at some point.
What this could mean for us and how we will encounter these changes in our daily lives is an easy question for Azeem.
“Robots will (mostly) be your friends” and technology will change the our daily world in a fundamental way and help to lift our living standards for a better world.